
Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Million Paws Walk- an annual RSPCA event

Each year, the RSPCA holds an event to raise funds for animals in need. That event is the Million Paws Walk.

"Funds raised from registrations, merchandise sales and fundraising pages, will help to provide essential care, veterinary treatment, food and shelter for more than 18,000 dogs that RSPCA Qld cares for each year." *

The girls and I always like to go down and lend a hand. We usually have a couple of other willing helpers too. This year we manned the cupcake stall. I left the kids in charge this year; they did a great job on sales and promotion.
After their efforts, we joined all the other lovely locals for a meander up the river. We don't have a dog so we borrowed little Shadow here from a friend. She was prettily washed and hair-sprayed for the occasion. Stella got her face painted especially to match Shadow's tail.

This year we were stationed next to the Snake-catcher and rehabilitation stall. For a small donation, you could get close up with a python and snap a few shots. 
Ruby was into it but Stella's snake seemed very keen on wrapping round her neck.. I think she was a bit out of her comfort zone...

Ruby got brave and took Shadow into the Eventing Ring, where she managed to get this little girl to sit, drop and stay.  She made it into the second round, before being pipped by a very smart and quite gorgeous black Lab. 

It's always a lovely day where I get to meet and talk to some amazing and dedicated people. It makes me so happy to be working in a job I love, with people I admire. 

And that's May. 
And I'm caught up. :-) 

(*quoted from the RSPCA Million Paws Walk official website)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Mary River

A couple of weeks ago, we went camping. There's so many beautiful spots within one hour's travel from home.
One of the reasons we went is that at school, Ruby is learning all about the unique life forms that live in our Mary River habitat. She asked us if we could go check it out, so she could draw it accurately for her project. 
Seemed like a good excuse to extend it into an overnighter.
Some years ago, this region, including a lot of the smaller townships in and around, were under threat of being sunk under a huge water catchment. Luckily, at the eleventh hour, this plan came to nought, and so these beautiful places have remained intact. The Mary Valley people, unfortunately, didn't escape unscarred. A lot of people were bought out and moved on; it's caused permanent emotional scarring and change. That's another (long) story though, for another time.
Back to camping...

I'd actually booked at a place we'd not been to before. When we got there, none of us liked the look of it! We drove around and quickly exited before we were committed. Maybe not exactly the right thing to do, but we'd driven past some gorgeous camping grounds, including this one at Kenilworth. We didn't actually stay here this time but it's on our to-do list for a long weekend. Next time!

We set up on the bend of the Mary River, at a place called Little Yabba. 

The girls put up their own tent now. Such independence! They may or may not spend the full night in it, but it's their spot to read and hide away from us. They squirrel away the lamp and some snacks; it's delightful.

Late afternoon, the fire was lit; darkness fell quickly and so did the thermostat...

In the morning there was frost and mist; it was quiet and still and just absolutely mesmerising. 

As the sun rose and we warmed up, layers were shed and a meander up the river was in order.

It was chilly, but not too cold for a dip. The water was cool and clean and green and there was no-one else in sight. At all. 

We checked out the rocks and the pools, all in the name of research. 
Best school project ever.

Looking forward to our next camping adventure, in just a couple of weeks.

Have a lovely week, everyone xx

Sunday, May 24, 2015

other April highlights...a month in pictures

April always starts off with Ruby's birthday. It's one of my favourite months. Not just because of the birthday celebrations, but because it's Easter, school holidays and the weather here on the Coast is usually always close on perfect. This year was no exception.
It came and went in a flash. No time for blogging, really. So I'm just diarising it in pictures; highlighting some of my favourite parts.

I like to chuck in a little something handmade. This year I just went with a very simple bunny template, old fabric and some ribbon. Perched on the end of a kid's bed on Easter morning with some chocolate eggs; perfection.

Still on the Easter theme: the egg hunt. Obviously best carried out in undies and an oversized jumper...

The booty. I keep this part of it pretty small as we tend to get swamped in chocolate once the extended family has arrived.

Goodness, we had some lovely weather this April. My Dad has been getting into his sailing since my parents relocated to the Coast. At Lake Cootharaba over the break we took a picnic and had some fun times with the family.

We seriously spent a lot of time on the beach. You know, we have so many people around over Christmas, but right now, they seem to just drop off. I never get it. The beaches are sublime, you can be down here for longer without frying and it's so much easier to get a park. At Christmas, you won't find me down here on this busy beach, no indeed. But right now? Everyday.

This game of finska was a Christmas present and great fun on the beach.

We took the surfboards, surf mats and PK's handcrafted surfie: something for everyone.

We were down on the beach in the morning and back again in the afternoons for some awesome surfing sessions...

Back home we made use of left over party bubbles.

There was some silliness at the local park.

We had two lots of foster kittens through April. So, so very cute! They're never popular with our cat though; she moves outside while they stay with us.

Who can resist a pile of fluffy purr-iness? Not me, that's for sure. Not the girls, either. And not even PK, although he may pretend otherwise.

Cat whiskers...just delicious.

More beach. We just couldn't get enough.

My niece came to stay and tuned out to be a super-surfer.

Long shadows and glorious sunsets. Bliss.

Hope April was good around your parts of the world, wherever that may be.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015



In April my baby turned nine (I'm still catching up)

There was a chocolate fudge cake for school...

and a small party celebration at home with her two best buds.

A poodle cake for home...

Goodness. Nine. Wow.

She seems so grown up this year. Grade 4 and just blossoming all the time.
(She's so independent, this daughter of ours.)

I walk her to school but I'm not really allowed up to the classroom. That's her zone.

At home she engages herself endlessly in creative and constructive activities. 

Or I'll find her, bent into the armchair in the lounge, nose in a book.

She might be cartwheeling in the garden, or practising new tricks on the trampoline.

She'll be hanging with Smokey, on the back steps, snack in hand.

There might be a home-made activity book for me to complete.

Maybe she's collected the ripe tomatoes from the garden and put them on the bench for me

She may even have washed up, set the table and made a salad for dinner.

Every day is awesome with this little person in our lives. The laughter, the silliness, the crazy endless chatter, the hugs and love-words, the smiles and the dancing... all of it is a journey in love and life.

Happy birthday Ruby. 

You're a very special person who sees the joy in everything. May you always encourage me to do the same. xxxx