
Wednesday, November 20, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Stella: through the glass. She's an apparition with foster kitten, overlaid with a mirror image of the garden and hut.

Ruby: making coir mix. In anticipation of rain this week, we've stepped up our seed planting.

I'm late this week. Everything's getting done, but in slo-mo. There's four little foster kittens to be cared for. And I've been prioritising some me time; reading books and knitting/sewing/making in anticipation of Christmas. It's been fun.


  1. Love the photo with the reflection

  2. Love Stella's pic and my boys would love to dive into the coir mix. Good on you for setting aside some me time. Important at this time of year xo


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