
Monday, May 6, 2013

family boat fun

This post should have been from last week. I really shouldn't be blogging now. I've got all sorts of chores to do. PK has been shopping and is now housecleaning. The girls and I spent the morning bike riding to the bakery and indulging in some pastries for breakfast, then on to the annual Bookfest to pick up some bargain books. I feel a little bit guilty...just a bit...

Last weekend, my dad rented a boat so we could spend the day on the river. He's considering investing in a small sailboat. He's always enjoyed being out on the water. The last twenty years he's been a windsurfer, but I think he's looking to "downsize" to a less strenuous watersport. Plus the sailboat is more social. My Mum can join him; or the girls. Fun for the whole family!

Last weekend the weather was picture perfect. Pelican Boat Hire got us sorted out and on the water in five minutes flat. Dad missed half the instructions, being a little hard of hearing, but we just winged it and got underway

Even at high tide, there's sandbanks and islands to explore. The water is shallow and warm. Birds gather to rest and crabs scuttle busily into holes...

We motored into one of our favourite swimming spots. It was pretty quiet when we anchored, then suddenly swamped with boats, people and dogs.

Jumping off the large sandbags is a popular activity of all kids, it seems. And some adults too. Even some of the dogs were sliding down and leaping in. Very cute!

Back on the water, we had a couple of figureheads to keep watch on our path...

The clouds resembled cotton balls, resting lightly and low in the sky.
It was a great morning out.
(Lots of river posts these past two weeks.)


  1. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun! I haven't spent much time on boats but I really want to someday.

  2. so beautiful! lovely water and oh what fun! xo

  3. I love the way you write Deb. I have writers envy :) xx


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