"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Stella: brushing Pepe. This is what she loves best; horse time.
She and I spent a night on my friend's farm. One night, but such a restful trip.
Ruby: swimming-pool eyes. Back in the water after an enforced ten day break
She might have to go easy for a while.
This week the girls finished up at school. A magical six week holiday stretches in front of them. We'll still be working of course; this is PK's busy time, when the town is flooded with holiday makers. But, oh, the relief of not having to get up and make lunches and shunt them off to school. We will look for some small pleasures close to home. Ice skating, a pantomime, beach time, friends, family and some new baby time
Just being, without deadlines. Yes.
Holidays are the best :) x